
1200 x 800 x 155 mm

Pcs. Price excl.VAT
16 to 16 45.31Є
32 to 32 38.79Є
48 to 48 35.95Є

Technical data:

Medium pallet
Dimensions L×W×H: 1200 x 800 x 155 mm
Material: HD-PP regranulate
Weight: 16 kg / 18 kg (runners welded)
Load capacity Static: 5000 kg
Load capacity Dynamic: 1250 kg
Load capacity high rack: 650 kg / 800 kg (runners welded)
Version: 3 runners unwelded
Colour: black
Options: (on request)
- with welded runners
- with or without perimetric rims
- with or without central rims
- central runner completely closed
Made in Germany
Delivery: FCA Mārupe / DAP (Baltics) in 2-3 weeks after prepayment

Medium pallet Black-Line

One key advantage of Black-Line pallets is that they are easy to clean. Moisture cannot be absorbed by the pallet, thereby preventing the accumulation of germs and bacteria. Because they are resistant to heat and cold, these plastic pallets can be used in a wide range of industries.

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